A "weak day" is when we don't believe we have purpose or value.
Our thoughts should line up with a Holy God who made us & has a perfect plan or our life!
Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think!
Romans 12:2


Waiting for Christmas

It's fun to gather up "stuff" that we hope everyone will like, wrap it, put it under the tree....and then "wait" for Christmas.

Waiting is hard when something good is coming, even if you aren't a kid. It might be something that we always wanted, 
something that will make our lives easier, or...just something that will simply give us pleasure.

Why do we wait?

Why do we have that special day where we give out gifts and celebrate?

It's because it is separate from all other days, a day to be celebrate, remember and cherish forever. 
It's a bit magical waiting for Christmas to come; then gather together and experience everyone's happiness.

Some perspective on Christmas--

Mankind had to "wait" for Jesus.
God gave Him to all of us because all of us need Him.
He was put in Mary's womb by the Holy Spirit and then there was the expectation of waiting for someone whose name meant "God is with us."
When Jesus arrived, the world mostly rejected Him. We did not think he was anything we really needed...so we didn't acknowledge Him or recognize Him as being that amazing gift that would change our lives forever.
As the years went by; the message of Jesus grew...and grew. Some embrace Him and some don't. Those who believed spread the message and it
 continues to this day.

What is the message?

It is simply that Jesus is the Savior of "your" world. He came to give His life for yours.
He came to pay your debt for your sins. He came and exchanged His pure self for your soiled self. He came in love asking nothing in return except for you to believe in Him.
And what do we get when we believe? A changed life. Peace, Hope, Love--a guiding presence in our everyday lives and Eternal life. Wow! All that for simply believing in Jesus.

There are those who look forward to Christmas and wait for the fun and the gifts but don't acknowledge or accept what that day is really for.

People have even changed the name and changed the meaning, but somehow that day is still sacred and set apart on most everyone's calendar. Believers and non-believers alike celebrate Christmas....
Christmas has survived over the years and become one of the biggest "special" days of the year that the whole world celebrates.
In reality, Christmas comes every year as a reminder to us that there was this amazing gift given to us by God himself. He gave himself to us. A child has been born to us.

Gifts are free, but we have to open them.

Jesus is a gift worth opening.

When we open up our heart to Jesus, a realization takes place that shows us just how bad we needed him. We begin to enjoy the pleasure of having Him in our life and we realize He was what we always wanted!

Jesus was worth the wait.

God has given a son to us.
He will be responsible for leading the people
His name will be Wonderful Counselor, Powerful God,
Father Who Lives Forever, Prince of Peace.
Power and peace will be in his kingdom
and will continue to grow forever.
He will rule as king on David's throne
and over David's kingdom.
He will make it strong
by ruling with justice and goodness
from now on and forever.
The Lord All-Powerful will do this
because of his strong love for his people.
Isaiah 9:6-7