My husband and I started a small garden a couple of summers ago.
Through this experience, I began thinking about the fruit in my life.
Last week, I went out to look for some zucchini. The plant was full and it looked promising but nothing was there. It seemed like it was time and had been long enough.
Regardless of all of that, NOTHING was there.
I thought of the scripture where Jesus saw the fig tree and went to pick some--but found nothing.
The Bible says it wasn’t time for figs yet, so I wonder why Jesus was even looking to pick a fig.
At least when I looked, it was time for zucchini!
I think it was because this tree promised something because of how it looked. The scripture says he was hungry, yet, when he went up to the tree, nothing was he cursed the tree.
I always wondered about that, why did he curse the tree if it wasn’t time for figs yet?.
Maybe he cursed it because it had the appearance of being fruitful but upon further inspection, it was bare.
So in light of that little story, here is a little side note about my life and the fig tree.
I should never have just the appearance of being a Christian. I should have fruit in all stages, some of my fruit should have already blessed others, some of my fruit should be ripe and ready to bless others with and some of my fruit should still be growing for future blessings.
I should never be bare with nothing to give others and no promise of producing anything.
If I don’t produce anything at all, but just have the appearance of being a Christian but on further inspection, I have nothing to offer, then what good is that?
It's something to think about.
I am sure there are many ways to interpret that scripture but this is just a thought I had.