A "weak day" is when we don't believe we have purpose or value.
Our thoughts should line up with a Holy God who made us & has a perfect plan or our life!
Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think!
Romans 12:2


Why Am I Still Thirsty?

When we come to Christ, we are finally found; we are finally rescued from our sins and reconnected to God through our decision to allow Christ's blood to cover our sins....and the search is over. Finally.

But after that, why are we still thirsty? Why does nothing still not satisfy us?

Could it be we don't pursue God or a relationship with Him?

Could it be that we think, "Okay, I did it, I came to that decision for Christ and it is part of my belief system now, I'm good, I'm a believer now, a Christ follower". "I'm a Christian" we say.

Do we fail to recognize that we are created in His image and we are now on level ground with God relationally because our sin is no longer the problem; because the truth is: our past, present and future sins are now under the blood of Christ and we are able to approach the throne of God as one of His precious children anytime for any reason. We don't have to be invited because we belong to Him. His door is always open.

Think about this, we have been saving money for a special vacation and the money has been the only thing stopping us from going. We finally have the money and we arrive at the place we have been dreaming about, yet we stay in the airport. We never leave to go discover this wonderful place. Nothing is stopping us. We have the money to spend on anything we want but instead, we say, "I have arrived, I am here"...and we refuse to explore all the wonderful things out there waiting to enrich our lives. Jesus is the money that was paid to reconcile us to God...but there is so much more waiting for us now that we have arrived (made that commitment to follow Him).

The only way to experience this wonderful new place is to talk to God each day about every thing in our life~regardless of how big or little it is and to allow Him to talk to us just as anyone would in any relationship.

If we could picture ourselves beginning each day being given a tablespoon of salt and the only way to make the saltiness go away is by drinking a big glass of water; that would be an accurate picture of how bad we need God. Simply getting up and beginning each day is the salt in our mouth. We begin each day extremely thirsty and in need of water. The only way to satisfy our thirst is by drinking in God; pursuing a relationship with Him.

If, instead of drinking water to satisfy the thirst, we pursued something else, we would have to eventually face the fact that nothing we try will help take away our thirstiness.
There is only one thing that will take away the thirstiness the salt creates and that is one big glass of water!

God is the water and everyday life is the salt.

We will stay thirsty for God until we take that relationship with Him a step further ~~ that is, spending time with Him daily to take care of all the little salt piles that life creates!

And then after that big glass of water, we will be so much better equipped to purse those other things that are so important to us.

... my soul thirsts for thee like a parched land.

Psalm 143:6