A "weak day" is when we don't believe we have purpose or value.
Our thoughts should line up with a Holy God who made us & has a perfect plan or our life!
Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think!
Romans 12:2


Joyce Meyer Teachings About Right Thinking

A Perfect Heart
by Joyce Meyer

Time and time again in my life, the Lord has reminded me that He doesn't look for perfect performance from us, but perfect hearts.
A lot of people think God won't use them until every area of their life is perfected. That type of thinking keeps people from allowing God to use them. He uses us in spite of us, not because of us. People usually love you based on your performance. If you do what they want you to do, they accept you; but if you don't, they reject you. God's love is based only on God. He loves you and accepts you as you are.This doesn't mean we should have a loose attitude and not desire to live a holy life. A person whose heart is perfect toward God is always going to earnestly and zealously desire to please God in all things, yet they understand that God will never reject us because of our weaknesses or mistakes. He wants to love us and help us when we're weak. Let God love you, and in return, give Him your love with a perfect heart! 

Prayer Starter: God, I know that you love me despite my weaknesses and flaws. I thank You for this love and turn my heart to You, knowing that You can use me when I follow You with a perfect heart.

Your Life Won't Change Until Your Thinking Changes
by Joyce Meyer

I spent a lot of years unhappy because the minute I woke up in the morning, I started thinking negative, sad, depressing things. Now I can truly say I am fully satisfied since the Holy Spirit has helped me operate with the mind of Christ that is within me.

If you struggle with negative thinking, it's important for you to come to grips with the fact that your life won't change until your thinking does. Renewed, God-like thinking is vital for change.

The Bible presents a lot of detailed instruction on what kinds of things we should think about. Philippians 4:8 alone tells us to think about things that build us up, not tear us down.

I want to issue you a challenge. Instead of waking up in the morning and immediately thinking negative thoughts, I want you to pick a positive truth from scripture and focus on it everyday when you wake up. Let God's Word grow in you and transform your mind. Fix your mind on good things and enjoy the godly changes it brings.

Philippians 4:8 NLT 
And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

Confidence Through Christ
by Joyce Meyer

True confidence never comes from how we feel or what we can or can't do - it comes from having a revelation of who we are in Christ. When we really know how much God loves us and receive His healing from past hurts, then we will no longer feel the need to base our confidence on things of the flesh.

I can remember a time years ago when I struggled with a lack of confidence because I did not have a college degree like a lot of other preachers I knew. Thankfully, as I began to focus on God's unconditional love for me, I learned to base my confidence on who His Word says I am - the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus (see 2 Corinthians 5:21).
Jesus wants to restore true confidence in your life by healing you from things in your past that have damaged the way you feel about yourself. As you look at what is right with God instead of what is wrong with you, you will begin to walk in the confidence that comes from being in Him.

Separate Your 'Who' from Your 'Do' 
by Joyce Meyer

I've made mistakes in my life, and I'm sure I'll make mistakes in the future, but I still like myself. The fact is, I don't do everything right all the time, but that doesn't affect who I am. I know I'm loved and I'm still a good person. That's because I've learned to separate my 'who,' new creature in Christ, from my 'do.'

When you realize that what you 'do' doesn't determine 'who' you are, you can experience a new level of freedom from shame. 

When you know that God likes you, you can start to really like yourself. When you start to like yourself, other people begin to like you too. Liking yourself doesn't mean you're full of pride; it simply means you accept yourself as the person God created you to be. 

We all need changes in our behavior, but accepting ourselves as God's creation is vital to our progress in becoming an emotionally healthy person. If we can master this one thing, liking ourselves, it will work wonders in helping us to overcome a shame-based nature. 

As Vital as Your Heartbeat
by Joyce Meyer

As believers, right thinking is something that is so important we simply can't live without it. Just like our heartbeat, it's vital because many of the problems we deal with in our lives are rooted in wrong thinking patterns, which are not based on the truth.
Right thinking is a result of regular, personal fellowship with God through prayer and the Word. It is important for us to come to grips with the fact that our lives will not get straightened out until our thinking gets straightened out. Thoughts bear fruit. When you and I think good thoughts, our lives produce good fruit. When we think bad thoughts, our lives produce bad fruit.
The longer I serve God and study His Word, the more I realize how important it is for me to be aware of what's going on in my mind. Where the mind goes, the man follows. Continually watching over our thoughts is the only way we will ever be able to keep them in line with God's Word and win our battle against the enemy.